Maze Books is seeking Rockford-Themed Haiku submissions for the first Rockford Haiku anthology. Physical submissions will be accepted from February 1st, 2025 – February 28th, 2025.
The submission period opens on 2-1-2025.
The submission period closes on 2-28-2025.
Submissions are limited to 2 Haikus per author.
Submissions must be mailed to or dropped off at Maze Books - 406 E. State St. Rockford, IL 61104. We are not accepting online submissions of any kind.
Submissions should follow the Traditional Japanese 5-7-5 / 3-Line Haiku Rule. If you are unfamiliar with Haiku format, or need a refresher, see .
Submissions should be Rockford-Themed, but authors do not have to limit themselves to nature or physical topics. Submissions can be about Rockford people, places, things, the spirit, reflections of days past, etc., as long as the subject and focus of the Haiku is Rockford-Based.
Authors of selected submissions retain the rights to their work. There is no compensation, but the author will receive credit, and a complimentary copy of the anthology.
AI-generated and ghostwritten work is prohibited. Submissions should be original work, created by the submitter.
If you have additional questions, please send an email to

Rockford Haiku Cover Art by Joe Tallman